Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Just Peachy!

Until recently, I really loved the whole pink ribbon madness! I thought the fundraising and awareness it brought on was great. Then, I started reading more about it's roots and now I'm pretty angry!! I've shared this with several people and no one has really heard this, so I'd like to share the story of the original breast cancer ribbon, which was actually PEACH...

In the early 90's a woman named Charlotte Haley started making peach ribbons in her home. She had seen several family members battle the disease and she was trying to spread awareness. Each peach ribbon she handed out (at local stores) had a note attached that said "The National Cancer Institute annual budget is $1.8 billion; only 5 percent goes for cancer prevention. Help us wake up our legislators and America by wearing this ribbon". Later she was contacted by Estee Lauder and Self Magazine. Estee Lauder wanted her ribbon to be on all their products as a marketing tool and Charlotte turned them down. In order to not be sued, they changed the color to pink and proceeded with their marketing plan and the rest is history.

We've all heard a story here or there about a company that joined a cause for the publicity of it and not with the sole intention of helping people. But, what really is maddening is that some of the same companies that sport the pink ribbon on their packages, actually use chemicals in their products that CAUSE breast cancer!

These companies should make a decision!
Either 1) you remove the pink ribbon or 2) remove the cancer causing chemicals from your products!

I would love if there was a movement to bring back the original peach ribbon. It is so important to keep researching for cures and treatments, but we also need more funding going towards PREVENTION!

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