Monday, June 7, 2010


The most common concern we got when we originally went vegetarian was about how we would get enough protein. I definitely did a lot of research before we changed our diet to make sure we could easily get enough nutrients.

I have always been tempted, but never had the nerve to reply by asking "where do you get your protein?" "Where do you get your vitamin A or iron?". What nutrients are in that fast food burger you are eating? What chemicals are in that so-called nutrition drink? Etc., etc., etc.

Apparently when people make changes for the better it really opens doors for attack, but if I did the opposite and really questioned people directly about their diet, that would be rude, right? I very commonly state my opinions about health & wellness issues, but I never have asked another parent directly about a specific nutrient or vitamin source for their children. I find it very interesting... I guess the obvious reason for this is that if you go with the flow, even if the "flow" is toxic sludge, then you are fine... but do something different than the norm and be prepared for the onslaught of questions.

To talk about protein sources specifically, here are some facts:

Protein Requirements:

Baby: 13-14 grams
Toddler: 16 grams
School Age: 24-45 grams
Adult: 50-60 grams

Sources for protein:
Quinoa: 24 grams
2 TB Peanut Butter: 8 grams
Kidney Beans: 8 grams
Lentils: 9 grams
Chickpeas: 10 grams
Split peas: 8 grams
Brown rice: 5 grams
Pasta: 7 grams
Avocado: 3 grams


  1. I don't know about anyone else but I think this is pretty interesting. I want to hear more about how it is going and what you are eating. Where do you find Quinoa? I looked at Krogers but I wasn't even sure what section to find them in.

    Megan C

  2. Hi Megan,
    It is going well. We gave it up for the weekend since it was Corey's birthday and he wanted ice cream cake. :)
    Quinoa is sold in bags or the bulk isle bins. It is super cheap, like $3 a pound. It tastes like rice and is even easier to make!
